Badminton BC LGBTQIA2S+
Badminton BC welcomed the community of LGBTQIA2S+
Badminton BC doesn’t have any posters or website materials because we didn’t’ want this community to stand out and we want to make them inclusive. By doing so, we allow them to play in all our tournaments and they can apply what gender they wish to apply and be in the events that they have applied. We do not want to make a separate poster or make them feel that they don’t belong or they are different. Therefore, Badminton BC doesn’t feel the need to make separate poster to highlight whom they are, this LGBTQIA2S+ community would like to feel they are blend in. Badminton BC wants them to blend in and we do have code of conduct and also tournament regulations to welcome everyone whom they want to apply to which category and declare their gender. They are just like everyone else, and they are all welcome and they know they are welcome, because they have been given the freedom to enter and they have played in many of our female sanctioned category. If there are terms and acronyms that we have missed, we are terribly sorry, please inform us as the situation of the world is fluid and we would like to show our support and be as inclusive as possible.
+ Pansexual
+ Agender
+ Gender Queer
+ Bigender
+ Gender Variant
+ Pangender
Community Resources:
How to Be an LGBTQIA2+ Ally at Work
Safe Zone Project
City of Vancouver