Provincial Championships

2024-2025 BC Provincial Championships


BC Provincial Championships Calendar 


Age Group and Membership Eligibility

Revised as of March 19, 2025: Requirement for Permanent Residency or Canadians citizenship has been removed for ONLY Open A and Open B


BC Junior A, Junior B Provincial Championships requires Citizenship/Permanant Residence and residency in BC. 

  • Citizenship Certificate/Permanent Residency card must be issued at least 1 year prior to the start date of the Provincial Championship
  • must reside in British Columbia. Players must be prepared to provide documentation to support their residency status. B.C. residents are expected to have: a current B.C. Personal Health Number and a valid government-issued card such as a B.C. Services Card
  • The participation requirement below must be met since the issuing date of Citizenship Certificate/Permanent Residence card.

Note: U23/Open: Citizenship/Permanent Residence is requireed, but BC residence is not required for this season. 


Junior A/U23/Open Provincial Championship (U13/U15/U17/U19): 

  • U13/U15/U17/U19: play a mininum 2 of Junior A Series to be eligible
  • BC Junior Elite will be considered as port of the Junior A Series
  • Open: no participation is required for this season. 

Note: Players must play the BC Junior A/U23/Open Provincial Championship to be eligible for the 2024 Badminton Canada Junior/U23 National Championships and 2024 Senior/Para Cahmpionships. 

Junior B Provincial Championship (U13/U15/U17/U19):

  • Play a minimum 1 of Junior B Series events, preferably within their region, to be eligible
  • Players are ineligible to play if they are ranked Top 8 in that respective event (Singles, Doubles or Mixed Doubles) on the BC Junior Ranking; this applies to U13/U15/U17/U19 age categories.
    • Beginning in January, the ineligibility threshold for singles in Junior B Challenger will be raised from Top 8 to Top 16. However, for doubles and mixed doubles, the threshold will remain at Top 8.

    • Players are ineligible to compete in an older age category of the same event that they are ranked Top 8 in 



All athletes and coaches participating in any sanctioned Badminton BC Provincial Championship will be restricted to having uniforms only personalized with their NAME and/or CLUB/PROVINCE on their competitive clothing. The athlete clothing is not required to have any indicators on their competitive uniforms.


Exemption Policy

The following exemption policies were created in consultation with Badminton BC’s current Competitions and High Performance Committees, and apply to all ages/categories of competition where Badminton BC maintains a participation based eligibility criteria.

Application Process
The Badminton BC Competitions Committee will consider all exemption requests on a case-by-case basis. Requests must be submitted by email to from the athlete’s coach of record at least 15 days prior to an event entry deadline. The request must provide the reason that an exemption is requested as well as any documentation to support the request. Both the coach and athlete must be current members in good standing with Badminton BC.

Types of Exemption

In the event of a direct conflict in scheduling between a Provincial ranking event and a National or International ranking event of the same age/category relevance, the athlete’s participation in either event can be considered towards their participation based eligibility criteria.

Athlete Out of Province
In the event that an athlete is temporarily studying, training, or living out of Province, participation in an equal number of age relevant National Series events can be considered towards their participation based eligibility criteria. Only under special circumstances will this exemption be provided for a Provincial Championship.

Athlete Out of Country
In the event that an athlete is temporarily studying, training, or living out of country, participation in an equal number of age relevant local events can be considered towards their participation based eligibility criteria. Only under special circumstances will this exemption be provided for a Provincial Championship.

In the event that an injury prevents an athlete from participating in a competition, provision of a doctor’s, physiotherapist’s, or chiropractor’s note clearly identifying the injury, the recommendation to avoid competition, and the suggested length of treatment/recovery can be considered towards their participation based eligibility criteria.