CSIP Targeted Athlete & Coach List | Criteria and List of Players & Coaches

Canadian Sport Institute – Targeted Athlete & Coach List

Year: September 1, 2024-– August 31, 2025

List of Current Targeted Athletes and Coaches

You can find the up-to-date criteria here.

This Selection Criteria Link (this criteria is stated for previous season): http://www.csipacific.ca/athletes/eligibility/sports/  is published by the Canadian Sport Insititue.

If you have not registered, please visit the following links and complete the Google Form:

Athlete: Click here (takes approximately 3-5 minutes)

Coach: Click here (takes approximately 2-3 minutes)

For questions, please email performance@badmintonbc.com


*Currently CSIP is in the transition of system update and change. They have encountered some system errors and card issues delay on their side. Badminton BC’s HP department actually found the issues for CSIP and CSIP is now investigating why the processes have bugs and card issue being delayed. Please note: HP department did submit the list in October 2024.