What Is Shuttle Time?

What is NCCP Shuttle Time?
Shuttle Time is the new NCCP teacher and recreation centre instructor or coach certification course developed by the Badminton World Federation and adapted by Badminton Canada.
Who is it for?
The NCCP Shuttle Time certification is for school teachers, recreation centre instructors or coaches, and new or inexperienced coaches. Even coaches who have many years of experience will find useful information in the workshop.
What is so special about NCCP Shuttle Time?
Unlike other coaching courses, NCCP Shuttle Time gives you:
- 22 lesson plans
- 93 video clips of drills and exercises
- A teacher's manual
The training is focused on managing groups, how to use the lessons and drills, and how to instruct technical skills. It is a very hands-on and practical workshop. For information on upcoming workshops please click on the link below:
In addition to the NCCP Certification training, Badminton BC is also offering an After Schools program and an Elementary School Clinic. Click on the links below for more details.
Shuttle Time Elementary School Clinics
Shuttle Time After Schools Programs
School Clinics and After School Programs schools@badmintonbc.com
NCCP Shuttle Time Course technicalprograms@badmintonbc.com