
General News

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy

Badminton BC is committed to fostering an inclusive, equitable, and respectful environment that values and promotes diversity across all levels of our organization and sport. This policy outlines our commitment to ensuring badminton in British Columbia is accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to everyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, ability, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. Through our DEI Policy, we strive to create opportunities for underrepresented groups and address systemic barriers to participation.

Our Commitment

Badminton BC recognizes the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in building a stronger, more vibrant badminton community. We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels respected and valued and has the opportunity to contribute meaningfully. In alignment with ViaSport’s Designation Program Policy, Badminton BC actively supports and encourages the participation of the following underrepresented groups:

   •    Women and girls
   •    Indigenous peoples
   •    Persons with disabilities
   •    Newcomers to Canada
   •    Members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community
   •    Individuals from diverse racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds

Key Principles

1. Diversity

Badminton BC embraces the diversity of the communities we serve. We are committed to ensuring that all programs and opportunities reflect the rich variety of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that exist within our province. This includes:

   •    Encouraging participation from individuals of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds.
   •    Promoting gender diversity across all levels of the organization.
   •    Ensuring representation in leadership roles, committees, and decision-making processes to reflect the broader community.

2. Equity

Equity means providing everyone with fair access to opportunities, resources, and support, recognizing that individuals may require different accommodations to reach their full potential. To achieve this, Badminton BC is committed to:

   •    Eliminating barriers to participation based on gender, race, ability, socioeconomic status, or other factors.
   •    Implementing equitable practices in recruitment, selection, and promotion within the organization.
   •    Ensuring that financial, geographical, and physical barriers do not prevent individuals from accessing badminton programs and competitions.

3. Inclusion

Inclusion is about creating an environment where every individual feels a sense of belonging. Badminton BC is dedicated to:

   •    Fostering a culture of respect, where differences are celebrated.
   •    Ensuring all participants, regardless of identity, feel valued and are able to contribute to the sport.
   •    Actively addressing systemic inequities that have historically marginalized certain groups within the sport.

Programs and Initiatives

Badminton BC will implement the following programs and initiatives to meet our DEI objectives:

1. Women and Girls

We will actively promote the recruitment and retention of women and girls in badminton by:

   •    Offering mentorship, leadership development, and coaching opportunities tailored for women and girls.
   •    Creating programs that reduce barriers to participation for women and girls, including financial assistance, flexible scheduling, and targeted outreach.

2. Indigenous Peoples

Badminton BC acknowledges the unique relationship with Indigenous peoples and will:

   •    Develop partnerships with Indigenous communities to create programs that reflect their cultural values and encourage participation.
   •    Offer opportunities for Indigenous athletes, coaches, and officials to engage with badminton through leadership and competition.

3. Persons with Disabilities

To promote access for athletes with disabilities, we will:

   •    Ensure our programs, facilities, and competitions are fully accessible.
   •    Support the development of para-badminton, including offering events and tournaments for athletes with disabilities.

4. Newcomers to Canada

In recognition of the growing diversity within British Columbia, we will:

   •    Provide pathways for newcomers to participate in badminton, offering support for language barriers and cultural adaptation.
   •    Design programs that engage newcomers, ensuring badminton is an accessible and welcoming sport for all.

5. 2SLGBTQIA+ Community

Badminton BC will foster a safe and inclusive space for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community by:

   •    Providing education and training for staff, coaches, and volunteers on creating respectful, inclusive environments.
   •    Ensuring that gender-diverse participants feel welcomed and supported, including addressing the specific needs of transgender and non-binary individuals.

Safe Sport Commitment

Badminton BC adheres to Safe Sport policies to create a safe, harassment-free environment for all participants. We are committed to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their background or identity, are protected from abuse, harassment, and discrimination. Our Safe Sport practices will align with national standards, as outlined by Badminton Canada and other governing bodies, and will include protocols for reporting and addressing incidents.

Education and Training

Ongoing education and training will be a critical component of our DEI strategy. Badminton BC will:

   •    Provide training on diversity, equity, and inclusion for staff, volunteers, coaches, and officials.
   •    Offer workshops and resources to raise awareness about the challenges faced by underrepresented groups and provide guidance on how to create inclusive environments.
   •    Work with partners such as ViaSport and Canadian Women and Sport to deliver best-practice training.

Strategies and Actions

1. Policy Development

Badminton BC will continuously develop and update policies that support inclusion, including anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, and safe sport policies. These policies will be publicly available and reviewed regularly to ensure alignment with best practices.

2. Outreach and Recruitment

We will actively engage underrepresented communities to encourage participation in badminton. This will include:

   •    Collaborating with Indigenous sports organizations, schools, and community groups to increase engagement.
   •    Offering outreach programs aimed at women and girls, newcomers, and people with disabilities.

3. Inclusive Programming

All Badminton BC events, programs, and competitions will be designed to be inclusive and accessible, ensuring that:

   •    Facilities meet accessibility standards.
   •    Events are planned with consideration for gender equity, disability access, and the inclusion of all communities.

Monitoring and Accountability

Badminton BC will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of this DEI Policy on an ongoing basis. We will:

   •    Collect data on participation and demographics to ensure progress toward greater inclusion.
   •    Solicit feedback from underrepresented groups to identify areas for improvement.
   •    Report on our DEI initiatives in our annual reports to demonstrate accountability.

Any instances of discrimination, exclusion, or harassment will be taken seriously and addressed promptly, following Badminton BC’s established complaint resolution processes.


Badminton BC believes that diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to the growth and success of badminton in our province. By working together, we can create a vibrant, inclusive community where everyone has the opportunity to enjoy and excel in the sport. Our commitment to DEI is ongoing, and we will continue to make adjustments and improvements to better serve all members of our community.

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