Event Calendar

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2024 Peace Arch Cup Badminton Tournament
2024 Peace Arch Cup Badminton Tournament
Dates: to
Group:BC Charity (Non-Sanctioned)
Category:Team Tournament
Prize money:YES for all events
Entry deadline:6/20/2024

Registration form

Date: June 28-30, 2024
Schedule: TBD

* Open: Anyone can register
* 45+: All players must be above the age of 45 on the first day of this tournament (June 28).
* Junior Recreational: All players must be U19, their Badminton BC ranking can’t be in the top 8 for any event in U15/U17/U19.

* Open: First place $600, Second Place $400, Third Place $200
* 45+: First Place $400, Second Place $200
* Junior Recreational: First Place $400, Second Place $200
There is a first-place trophy for each team in all categories.

Tournament format:
All categories will first go to round round-robin of approximately 4 teams/groups.
They will play and placements from 1-4 will be decided.
Then according to round-robin placements, all teams will be placed into an elimination bracket. We will play out all of the placements.

Each tie will consist of 4 matches. Each match will be played to 21 points, with setting.
Each team must consist of at least 3 girls and a total of 8 players. So you can have 3 girls 5 boys or 4 girls 4 boys but you cannot have 2 girls 6 boys.
If it is 2-2, then we count sets and then points

Number of Teams:
* Open: Maximum of 16
* 45+: Maximum of 8
* Junior Recreational: Maximum of 8

Entry Fee:
A total of $480/team, $60/Player. Teams are allowed to bring 2 subs.

Entry will close on June 20th, 11:59 pm.

All information will be posted on www.southsurreybadmintonsociety.com.

Contact info:
Ingrid Yang